Project Description
The Research and Education Policy Development (REPD) team produced research on a number of key policy issues and provided several resources in response to the state’s encroachment on local control. For example, REPD collected data from the membership on the number and types of instructional material removal requests they were receiving prior to the signing of Assembly Bill 1078, and provided a baseline describing what LEAs were experiencing over the summer months.

Year in Review
- Conducted research and published fact sheets, briefs, blog posts, webinars, surveys, infographics and other resources on topics including:
- Hosted a series of webinars and explanatory videos on important topics including COVID relief funding, school safety and trauma-informed education.
- Conducted a research project related to the state’s implementation of late start and created a School Safety Toolkit. Both projects will be released in 2024.
- Convened stakeholder groups related to the late start law to seek board member and superintendent input and the parent and student perspective.
- Curated a New Member Toolkit made up of resources appropriate for newly elected members and hosted on GAMUT.
- Launched a Small School Districts Advisory Workgroup that meets monthly to provide insight on various topics and how those topics impact small districts at the local level.
- Convened the Superintendents Advisory Council and the Artificial Intelligence Taskforce.
- Prioritized site visits to Golden Bell Award winners to see firsthand the exemplary work members are engaged in to highlight in future research.