Policy Services
CSBA’s Policy team continued to produce sample board policies that anticipate relevant topics for public schools and to craft policies in response to new legislation, judicial decisions and updated guidance from state and federal agencies. The Policy team also collaborated with CSBA’s Legal Services to launch a new series of quarterly webinars focusing on the most significant policy changes included in update packets.
“If necessity is the mother of invention, then resourcefulness
is the father.”
—author Beulah Louise Henry
Year in Review
- Published a total of 105 new and updated policy, regulations, exhibits and board bylaws in 2022, including:
- 3515: Campus Security;
- 3553: Free and Reduced Price Meals;
- 3: Preschool/Early Childhood Education;
- 6158: Independent Study; and
- 9220: Governing Board Elections.
- Published five policy update packets, including one special release.
- Coordinated Policy Development Workshops for 33 districts and county offices to update and overhaul their policy manuals.
- Conducted Policy Review Audits for additional four LEAs.
- Updated the GAMUT platform with several enhancements for both the policy and meeting modules.
- Integration of online voting, improvements to functionality, Zoom integration in Meetings.
- Creation of new policy types and ease of editing to enhance Policy module flexibility.
- Increased total number of subscriptions for all GAMUT platforms: Policy, Policy Plus, and Meetings.
- Created, revised and updated six comprehensive comparison charts to aid districts and COEs with policies that are commonly included in the California Department of Education’s Federal Program Monitoring review process.