Project Description
CSBA’s Policy and Governance Technology Services team continued to produce new and update existing sample board policies on relevant topics for public schools and in response to new legislation, judicial decisions, and updated guidance from state and federal agencies. The department also focused on helping members access the suite of GAMUT products to help improve board management.

Year in Review
- Published more than 130 new and updated sample board policies and bylaws, administrative regulations, and exhibits for district and county governance teams, including:
- 5131.9 – Academic Honesty (updated to address, among other things, prohibited and permitted student use of technology, including artificial intelligence)
- 6177 – Summer Learning Program (updated to clarify that summer learning programs are part of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program and must be offered to specific students and align with new California Department of Education (CDE) guidance that clarifies that districts are prohibited from charging fees for summer school)
- 9270 – Conflict of Interest (updated to reflect new prohibition against elected district officers accepting, soliciting or directing a contribution of $250 or more from someone connected to a district proceeding involving a license, permit or other entitlement for use while the proceeding is pending before the district and for 12 months before or after the final decision)
- Released a special packet updating more than a dozen policies in light of Assembly Bill 1078, including:
- 1312.2 – Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials
- 1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Procedures
- 1312.4 – Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
- 6161.1 – Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
- Coordinated Policy Development Workshops for 41 districts and county offices of education to update and overhaul their policy manuals and conducted policy manual reviews/audits for an additional seven LEAs.
- Updated the GAMUT platform with several enhancements for both the Policy and Meeting modules.
- Increased total number of subscriptions for all GAMUT platforms: Policy, Policy Plus and Meetings.
- Created, revised and updated six comprehensive comparison charts to aid districts and COEs with policies that are commonly included in the CDE’s Federal Program Monitoring review process.